Accessibilité Patrimoine

Access to the built environment for all

This heritage accessibility site aims to present thinking, experiences and projects in the accessibility of heritage buildings from around the world. The site is being developed by the l’École de Design Nantes Atlantique, with the support and close collaboration of the French ministry for culture and communication.



Webinar : Keeping Museum Tactiles Experiences Safe and Viable"

This webinar is a session of the series Accessibility + New Normal Talks. Organised by the Institute of Human Centered Design, Boston; in association with the Smithsonian Museum and the Theatre
Les maquettes tactiles. Crédit photographique : Christophe Raimbault.

Research and seminars

How to bring flexibility and greater scope to evolve to environments framed by regulations and little liable to change? The articles and resources in this section seek responses to this paradox by focusing on specific topics related to accessibility and on experiences gained     at the occasion of seminars in which we intervened.

Séminaire Culture pour tous, culture pour chacun : l’accessibilité des établissements culturels et patrimoniaux

De l’accueil du public aux nouvelles expériences de visiteurs, ce séminaire propose d’explorer à travers des questions et cas concrets des façons d’envisager cette mise en accessibilité. Le 31 mai 2016 au Château des ducs de Bretagne - Musée d’Histoire de Nantes_
chateau des ducs de bretagne

Patrimoine et qualités d'usage

Before the start of the access works, Boston Architectural College had a separate entry for people with mobility difficulties, as access to the main entrance involved a flight of stairs.

Inclusive design

On entend par « conception universelle » la conception de produits, d’équipements, de programmes et de services qui puissent être utilisés par tous...

Tools and focus

Here we present the teaching of accessibility: a holistic and transversal approach; workshops organised by the design school; focus on strategic issues for accessibility: e.g. way-finding and entrances, the various professions involved in the task of making built heritage sites accessible.


Tactile design

Matthias Jancel, designer au sein de l'agence Tactile Studio, revient sur le rôle du designer et sur l'intégration des dispositifs multi-sensoriels dans un projet.



The many case-studies presented here demonstrate that it is possible to harmonise the preservation of heritage with the flexibility of use. Moreover, they show, that these requirements can complement and enrich each other.