Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.

logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.

logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.

logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.
logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.
logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.
logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.
logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.
logo design lab ville durable

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.
Why this website?

pourquoi ce site

The site accessibilite-patrimoine.fr presents the theory and practice of accessible protected built heritage. It is being developped by the Ecole de design Nantes-Atlantique with the support and close collaboration of the French Ministry for Culture and Communication. It aims to develop a global outlook.

Heritage accessibility presents real challenges and requires consultation. It may necessitate changes to visitor facilities and flow. Design solutions are unique to each site.

For who ?

This site is for professionals involved in heritage accessibility projects, as well as for voluntary sector managers and teachers looking for course materials.
It is a forum for exchange and provides an opportunity for showcasing innovate solutions and experimentation.

What you can find

Focusing on case-studies, guidance and legal context, the site has a practical nature. Conference proceedings, interviews of experts and workshop outputs are also featured. The case-studies presented here aim to inspire thinking and creative approaches to heritage accessibility. However, design solutions are unique to each context.

Participate ?

The site aims to be a forum for exchange between professionals in the access and built heritage sectors.
Get in touch and let us know about your reflections, innovative solutions and surveys. We may be able to publish them online.

Who we are ?

qui sommes nous

Le site internet est animĂ© par l’Ă©quipe du design lab Ville Durable de l’École de Design de Nantes Atlantique.

  • Florent Orsoni, directeur du design lab Ville Durable, PrĂ©sident de la commission AccessibilitĂ© et qualitĂ© d’usage dans l’environnement bâti, AFNOR
  • ClĂ©mentine Laurent-Polz, architecte DPLG, chef de projet
  • ZĂ©lia Darnault, historienne de l’architecture et du patrimoine, chargĂ©e de contenu Ă©ditorial

Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de l’Ecole de Design de Nantes.